ClassX and CuePilot

The dedicated section in the "Misc" tab in LiveBoard

The new release of LiveBoard version 8 comes with it an important news: the integration of the OSC (OpenSoundControl) protocol. This means that in addition to TCP/IP, LiveBoard is able to connect with any device that supports this protocol. The OSC Port can be managed from the “Misc” tab in the Preferences Menu of LiveBoard.

Thanks to this gorgeous new technology, LiveBoard can now be driven by CuePilot. ClassX and CuePilot in fact have entered a technological partnership that will allow ClassX + CuePilot users the benefits of a close and easy-to use integration.
CuePilot is the essential tool for live production. It has revolutionised the production workflow for planning and delivering live events. It’s a digital workflow for teams to collaborate on and communicate their creative plans, and then execute them with precision and consistency, while still allowing for improvisation and flexibility. Thanks to a timeline that can trigger and execute several operations such as for example cameras, lights or other functions for broadcasting.
Hence the idea to handle also the LiveBoard contents directly from this application. After a successful job by ClassX developers for adding the OSC protocol to LiveBoard, on CuePilot it has been possible to schedule the airing of all graphics contents of a LiveBoard project just by taking advantage of the ClassX LBCommands: Play, Stop, Pause, Resume and more.

The OSC Schema inside CuePilot

Keeping in mind the ease of use and the full compatibility between LiveBoard and CuePilot, on CuePilot side it was decided to integrate LBCommands directly in CuePilot, as a default feature.

In the new version of CuePilot in fact, you can find available the OSC Schema for controlling LiveBoard.

Below a quick video setup for a better comprehension of the workflow