2014 June 20th - Case Study
Collection of ClassX experiences 2014

"The key to success of ClassX softwares is precisely the flexibility, and usability, allowing you to achieve "a lot" and quickly. We have been employing them since 2006 and specifically for over a year in all the sports for RAI (Rai Sport 1 and Sport 2 ): Specifically, CastaliaCG offers intuitive graphical processing tools that make the creation of graphic projects a painless operation.
CoralCG largely shares the tools and operation of CastaliaCG, integrating objects and the environment of a fully three-dimensional positioning.
Liveboard is very convenient because within it - as well as having a pre determined operational framework – it allows the creation of small automation sets of commands to add custom functions."
Alessio Viscione, Unidea Group
Technical Director - Rome

"The software we use, those by ClassX, from my personal experience, are more intuitive. I also used other graphics packages but they were very "computer style" and needed more experience at the programming level. It is crucial to rely on an editor just like CastaliaCG which allows to create from scratch all the graphics design in all its complexity."
Corrado Traverso, Radio Televisione Italiana
Post Production and Graphics

"We mainly use ClassX softwares because they are able to harmonize reliability and functionality, allowing us to cover all requirements for small and large-scale production of live graphics. "Red or Black, for instance, was a production for RAI by Magnolia where we have used on a massive scale Italian Softwares by ClassX interfacing with Pandora, a system designed for the broadcasting of ledWall video contents in real time, bound on optical fiber. We used created ad-hoc scripts and produced a game show also involving the automation of complex objects."
Fabio Pastore, Unidea Group Owner

"During the 2007 we chose ClassX, impressed by the ease to use software and the amount of tools available for creating and managing graphics. Today we have added to CoralCG, CastaliaCG and Liveboard, an ad hoc system for managing a steady stream of data distributed on five differents channels. I have to admit to ClassX an extreme willingness to support us, but also the ability to improve our products by listening our advices. It was a big gamble, but numbers like more than 22,000 horse races managed a year, we recognize the merit of having achieved our goal."
Francesco Aglietti, TeleIppica
Service Management Responsable

"This year's event "MTV Awards 2013", repeats the pattern of previous editions, so we once again chose the broadcast graphics modular products by ClassX but this time with the addition of the "SocialServer" module. In fact, the real news of 2013 is the integration with social networks: the public can actively participate in the event by voting and commenting. We chose the two ClassX modules, "SocialServer" and "SocialPlayer" because this solution allows us to broadcast messages from the various social networks in real time, with ease and immediacy .
The SocialServer fits into a context familiar to us already, characterized by regular use of other softwares always by ClassX, such as - for example - the editor CastaliaCG, or Liveboard which is the playout module of the graphics that goes on the air."

Marco Castellana, MTV Italia
Responsable of Transmission Technologies

"For more than a year "Rete Aste" broadcasts 24 hours 24 live information on active judicial sales for the major Italian courts, as well as key information about the legal world and the proceedings of major interest. The satellite channel is a product that relies on quality, which is why we chose, after a long analysis of the market, the solution ClassX for the TV broadcast. The graphics must be submitted, edited and packaged in a professional manner. The data displayed on the air are read automatically by the platform www.astegiudiziarie.it through an ad hoc module and accompanied by a speaker which is also generated automatically. We do not accept compromises in terms of operation, reliability and completeness."
Fabrizio Simonetti, Rete Aste
Technical Director

"We are operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week with news and information in continuous cycle. We treat breaking news with particular attention to politics, events and economy, while we dedicate a very important moment to sports at the end of every newscast. For production and transmission, we exclusively use various software by the Italian company ClassX that allows us, through a connection with our CMS (centralized digital content management system), to reproduce the photograph of the person/athlete interviewed and the environment involved. We are really very satisfied with the flexibility of the modules that comprise the ClassX software package and it is exactly thanks to this that we will quickly go from the current display of flash news with photos and text to a system based on the broadcasting of a compressed video coming from a live feed. The implementation of the second Picture in Picture will allow us not to interrupt the presentation of the main news story displayed in the larger Picture in Picture, but to give yet more emphasis to other "hot" news stories in the area for the purpose, of smaller size. Soon, the DTT will permit choosing the audio and video to listen to, giving the viewers the choice of listening to the content of greatest interest."
Olger Teneqexhi, A1 Report
Technical Director

Media Agency and Source: Presspool