2013 June 20th - Press Release
Graphics with ClassX, to the rhythm of the music for the MTV Awards 2013... and not only!

Great success!

"Last year we produced the MTV Days 2012 in Torino and considering its great success, this year we decided to add a new date to our calendar of events, represented by the MTV Awards 2013: a showcase for awarding pop artists coming from all over the world."

Highly appreciated in sports and any context where the key word is "real time", the professional graphics software developed by the real Italian ClassX are heavily used even in television programs based on music.

In fact, it is not by chance that they had been used to create three very recent live coverage TV shows: "RadioItaliaLive – The Concert", live with famous interpreters and authors of Italian music in Milan; the "Wind Music Award" on air on Rai Uno, dedicated to all of the most successful singers in the music industry and also on occasion of the "MTV Awards 2013" in Florence, in which we examine a few details in depth, together with Marco Castellana.

"Last year we produced the MTV Days 2012 in Torino and considering its great success, this year we decided to add a new date to our calendar of events, represented by the MTV Awards 2013: a showcase for awarding pop artists coming from all over the world."

As affirmed by Marco Castellana, responsible for broadcasting and internal engineering sector at the MTV Italia headquarters. His task is to complete the integration of new high technology equipment, like the recent change of the video server which involves both the broadcasting as well as the database that manages all of the video programming on air, to go to the IMX7 format. All of the choices which implicate jumps in quality when going on air are his, like the adoption - for a few years already - of the ClassX software considered decisive for all of the high quality graphics on air.

"This year's event repeats the layout of past editions, therefore we chose the graphics broadcasting modules produced by ClassX once more, with the addition of the SocialServer. In fact, the true novelty of 2013 is the integration with the social network: the public can actively participate in the event by voting and commenting on the singers, as well as their videos.

It is a television show that unravels throughout the evening and benefits from good preparation beforehand "tied together" not only on TV but also on web. The public is called on to vote for the competitors in a direct way and therefore, the interaction with "second screens", such as tablets, smartphones, and PC's are evident.

We chose the two ClassX modules, SocialServer and SocialPlayer because this solution allows us to broadcast messages from the various social networks in real time, immediately with ease.

The SocialServer is inserted in a context already familiar to us, characterized by regular use of other software always by ClassX, like - for example - the CastaliaCG editor, or LiveBoard, which is the playout module for the graphics that go on air. In terms of quantity, the graphic animation that characterize the evening are really numerous, among these are subtitles, name of singers, various billboards that introduce the event, advertising bumpers, sponsorships, interval breaks arranged, on full screen or on live background which integrate the scene. And, in conclusion, there is no lack of mixed titles for the presentation of messages coming from Facebook or Twitter.

Furthermore, the graphic department also creates the opening titles, the closing titles and the stings that are used when returning from advertisement spots, in cooperation with one of our MTV International art directors in the Milan branch headquarters in Corso Europa.

A few days before the broadcast, the entire graphic dimension necessary is ready and the various contents on file are uploaded via web and tested on the ClassX emission machines. When live broadcasting begins it will be the director who selects the necessary graphic input, in channel alpha arrangements or on full screen.

I find it important to point out that a note of merit goes to the ClassX technical-operational support in Italy, which constitutes an important added value for the product. In fact, it is easy to forget how much technical support services are essential; however, when you are facing a deadline for an important event and need to have someone ready to reply in real time, it is a totally different story! ClassX has always been helpful, providing quick and flexible support in the work of every day."

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