2013 June 20th - Press Release
The ClassX graphics in RAI Production Centre

From classical operas to newscasts, from sports to bulletins, documentaries and thousands of other productions, the work of the Rai Graphics department ubiquitously pervades several channels, Rai 1, 2, 3, but also RAI 4, RAI 5, Rai movies, RAI Sports 1 and 2.

Marco Denna, responsible for Post Production and Graphics at RAI Milan, points out:
"To give an idea of our commitment-citing just one example per person- Adriano Longo conceives and creates the 3D maps for the cycling tours, "Giro d'Italia" 2003-2012.

Carlo Bonacossa designs and coordinates live graphics for Great Events, like the Olympics in Peking (Beijing) and London. Corrado Traverso signed the graphics for the "Giro d'Italia" 2010-2012 and customized themes for the "Giro d'Italia" 2013 and F1. Silvano Isola formulates "Raitunes", "Quelli che" and graphics for many grand operas. Maddalena Galliani creates and develops graphics for Rai Sport. Francesca Campagnoli undersigned programs like the 2013 Nordic Ski Championships, while Tatiana Saggioro, Glob from 2010 to 2012. The list for each one could still be very, very long."

Marco Denna: "For our kind of work, everyone has a stand-alone workstation and appropriate software. Among these, the latest version of the ClassX package - CastaliaCG, MoreCG, CoralCG - and the entire sports suite is used as an open graphics package which we can always customize together with the headquarters office."

We asked each one of the rai graphics operators to identify which characteristics are indispensable in the graphics software used today:

Carlo Bonacossa: "The User must not be forced to learn new operating procedures but must have a guarantee of maximum execution speed, maximum reliability and stability. We are graphics professionals specialized in the television field, therefore we must be able to create very attractive effects without wasting time. Programming brakes inspiration."

Corrado Traverso: "The software we use (like ClassX), by personal experience, is more intuitive. I also used other graphics packages but they were very "technical" in style and required greater experience at a programming level. It is essential to be able to count on an editor (like CastaliaCG) that really allows creating a complex graphics project from zero."

Adriano Longo: "The advantages of the graphic solutions, that we have already more than tested, are evident in the excellent flexibility and ease of operation. The approach is very intuitive and "friendly" even in more complex projects. The data is dynamic and this is the fundamental concept that characterizes an advanced solution: it must be managed properly."

Tatiana Saggioro: "Good graphics production software must always be modular and provide a unit (module) which handles broadcasting. The graphics project and typical play and stop functions reside here, including the possibility of carrying out small modifications of project segments even at the last moment and while going on air: flexibility is vital."

Massimo Bergonti takes care of the CPMI Technical Services and is dedicated to hardware in "RAI graphics": "In recent years the major problem was updating to production in HD with suitable hard disks and powerful processing cards. Usually, we rely on a machine that is quite standard overall with an i7 processor, an Asus motherboard, 8 GB RAM and an Nvidia graphics card of latest generation with a Blackmagic HD video card. All of our broadcasting machines depend on ClassX software."

Francesca Campagnoli: "Our workstations (Bonacossa´s and mine) are physically installed in specific racks located in mobile control consoles, in containers, or in the IBC at events. In terms of software, we really have very strict demands, the graphics packages must be open and customizable to our needs. Sometimes, like it already happened in China for a sports event, the software house even interfaced directly in remote with the machine in action on the field, at the other end of the world, to implement the necessary adjustments requested!"

Maddalena Galliani: "The software must be intuitive; it is enough to use just a few different types to immediately understand which one best responds to demands for speed. Graphics for sports in practice - especially - must be very flexible, to be able to change the order of the content which is put on air also at the last second, quick and streamlined to compile even at the moment."

Silvano Isola: "It is essential to be able to exchange roles quickly, to go from creation to broadcasting without lengthy learning times when necessary. The software has to facilitate team workflow. In fact, the concept of "graphics" is really the work of an equipe."

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